Racing Dragons
On 21st July 2024, we gathered a team of staff, volunteers and friends to take part in the Bradford Dragon Boat Racing Festival 2024, to raise funds towards our work providing practical support for those that need it most.
It’s safe to say that our paddling prowess won’t be taking any of us away from our day jobs, but we had a lot of fun and grew as a team, and it was great to meet lots of friends old and new.
We are very grateful for all the kind donations, and to our generous sponsors: White Label Loyalty, Bradford District Credit Union, Fenetic Wellbeing and David C Nunn Independent Family Funeral Directors. We’ve raised a total of £2,372 so far – and you can still donate online.
Next year is our fifteenth birthday, and we are planning fifteen events in 2025 to help raise funds for Inn Churches so we can help people who need our support the most.