Forty-two percent of FoodSavers members save with the Credit Union
Since the launch of FoodSavers, 42% of the 255 members (at the end of March) have opted to save with Bradford District Credit Union, each receiving a £10 saving starter funded by Bradford Council.
FoodSavers members pay a weekly membership amount (typically £5) for a large bag of shopping. If they choose to join the Credit Union, £1 of their membership fee goes into their Credit Union account every time they shop: together they’ve saved £873 through the £1 contributions, with 25 keen savers putting away another £5,600 for a rainy day through direct topups to their account. Many of those savers have never had a savings account – it’s a habit they’d never considered.

FoodSavers is a network of outlets offering affordable groceries for those who need it most, where people can shop in a pleasant and welcoming environment, choosing what they want from a wide variety of fresh and store-cupboard foods, toiletries, and household cleaning products. Our pantries and social supermarkets offer the chance to:
- save on your weekly shopping bill
- save food from going to landfill
- save into a recognised Credit Union, every time you shop.
There are currently ten pantries across Bradford. You can find out more about FoodSavers on the FoodSavers website.